Welcome Ministers

Thank you for logging in. You will find many helpful resources for UPCI ministers on this website.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact Church Administration.

Phone: 636-229-7900
Email: ask@upci.org


Print Temporary Fellowship Card for Voting
2024 GC Office Holder Eligibility
Voting Process Video

Pay Membership Dues

You may choose to pay your membership dues annually, quarterly, or monthly.
Annual membership dues:
Ordination: $518.00
General: $496.00
Local: $474.00

To pay online, please select an option:
Pay Annually
Pay Quarterly
Setup New Automatic Payments
Edit Existing Automatic Payments

Note: Monthly payments must be automatic payments; you may set up automatic monthly payments by phone only (636-229-7900) from November 18-January 31. There is a $5 fee per payment.

Downloadable Resources


Applications for Ministerial Credentials
For information on your district licensing requirements, you must contact your district office. Please be sure and do this before you fill out and submit an application.



Statements and Reports

Local Church


UPCI Logos

Special Projects